Daily job cuts


Is beauty an advantage or a handicap at work ?

Far from the deserved cliché of the beautiful woman who gets a job, not for her competences, but for her beauty, she may also be fired for being too attractive. And no, this is not a joke.

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The economic Job Cut : How is it applied and what are its rules ?

It is well known that there are daily job cuts in different company and state in public domains. However, it is not done the same way and at the same time. But before looking deeper into its details, one should…

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Definition of economic contract termination

To put it in simple words, when a company or enterprise faces an economic crisis, it may resort to contracts terminations in order to stabilize its economy. It is legitimate, and it may seem simple, but there are actually more…

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Balance in creation and destruction of employments

Employments are often destroyed as well as created. This is a natural cycle in any active society. They get destroyed when an entity boosts its workforce, and they get destroyed when the opposite happens. For instance, in a country such…

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The full procedure for job cuts in the public services

Lawyers of the public services usually follow these steps depending on the case they are facing.

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When is it possible to fire an official in public services ?

As we all know, even if working for the public services usually pays less, it is, in fact, more secure and gives the officials more guarantees against job cuts, especially when it comes to firing. However, this doesn’t mean they…

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